Hearing Loss Articles

female patient and hearing specialist at clinic.

Why Delaying Hearing Loss Treatment is a Mistake

Amidst hectic schedules and the distractions of events, it’s all too simple to put off important appointments, like those with a hearing specialist or for fitting hearing aids. You may even find yourself hesitating to get hearing aids altogether. However, delaying treatment for hearing loss is far more than just a mistake concerning your ears

Why Delaying Hearing Loss Treatment is a Mistake Read More »

Safeguarding Your Sense of Hearing: 4 Tactics to Protect Your Ears

Our ears are often what carry the load of unintentional harm from neglect in our busy day-to-day lives. From the allure of ear candling to the seemingly harmless act of utilizing cotton swabs, our auditory health can suffer from these prevalent yet perilous practices. Below, we delve into four essential methods to safeguard your sense

Safeguarding Your Sense of Hearing: 4 Tactics to Protect Your Ears Read More »

Brain from wooden puzzles. Mental Health and problems with memory and dementia.

Your Danger of Developing Dementia Could be Reduced by Having Routine Hearing Exams

Dementia and hearing loss, what’s the connection? Medical science has connected the dots between brain health and hearing loss. Your risk of developing dementia is increased with even minor hearing loss, as it turns out. These two seemingly unconnected health disorders could have a pathological connection. So how can a hearing exam help reduce the

Your Danger of Developing Dementia Could be Reduced by Having Routine Hearing Exams Read More »