How is Hearing Health Affected by Cannabis Use?

How is Hearing Health Affected by Cannabis Use?

The use of marijuana is now legal in many states for medical purposes and in numerous other states for recreational use. Let’s take a look at what defines cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are classified as a group of compounds found in the cannabis or marijuana plant. Some believe that cannabinoids have broad healing properties, yet existing studies […]

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You Should Get Your Hearing Screened Regularly For These Four Reasons

Why is getting routine hearing tests significant? That’s because your general health can be significantly affected by hearing loss. Having your hearing screened regularly can help you identify hearing loss early, get care sooner, and, improve your health, wellness, and quality of life. Who should get a hearing examination? A loss in hearing ability can […]

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Can You Get Hearing Loss From Chemotherapy?

Can You Get Hearing Loss From Chemotherapy?

Coping with cancer is horrible. Because of this, patients getting cancer treatment will sometimes feel compelled to dismiss cancer treatment side effects, including hearing loss, as trivial. But for a large number of cancer survivors, there will be a life after cancer and that’s an important thing to remember. And you want that life to […]

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